CASE STUDY: Spaulding for Children’s NTDC – Part II
CLIENT: Spaulding for Children
SERVICE: Spanish Translation, eLearning Translation & Subtitling
FORMAT: eLearning Courses, Videos, Podcasts & PDFs
SUBJECT MATTER: Education, Family-Oriented Services
As we have mentioned in Part I of this Case Study, Spaulding for Children’s National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) is a newly developed, comprehensive, free training program designed to prepare and empower foster and adoptive parents. This curriculum integrates technology, multimedia resources, and adult learning materials to provide parents with the knowledge and skills needed for successful fostering and adoption. Originally developed for those pursuing foster care or adoption through the public Child Welfare System, it has been adapted to meet the needs of families adopting through private, domestic or intercountry processes.

In the initial phase of this project, we focused on meticulous planning to align with the client’s expectations. Our Request for Proposals team crafted a comprehensive submission that underscored our proven track record of meeting tight deadlines and effectively managing extensive curricula. As a result of these efforts, we have been successfully collaborating with Spaulding for Children’s NTDC for the past three months.
After being selected for this project, we were asked to provide two different quotes for the multimedia content: one for dubbing and another for subtitling. We also provided the client with samples of both services for them to analyze what worked best for their goals. After evaluating both options, the client decided to move forward with subtitling, which involved converting all audio files to MP4 format to integrate the subtitles directly into the videos.
The source material addresses complex and sensitive topics, including child development, sexual abuse, and the impact of drug use on children. It also covers strengthening emotional bonds, supporting grief in families that have been separated, among other crucial aspects. Additionally, the materials were incredibly diverse, including PowerPoint presentations, PDF guides and handouts, videos, and podcast-type audios. Moreover, the project included 16 eLearning courses for a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.
All these layers made it clear that the project would pose interesting challenges: we needed to approach the complexity and sensitivity of the topics appropriately, always bearing in mind the project’s magnitude.

To address the project’s scope, it was decided that the work would be divided into three monthly deliveries. At the same time, we implemented a shared spreadsheet with the client to track the project’s progress, which allowed us to maintain a clear organization and provide both the client and the internal team with an accurate view of the status of each task. We also established weekly follow-ups with the client to align expectations and resolve any doubts, thereby strengthening communication.
In addition, we proposed an updated version of the client’s glossary with suggestions for some specific terms, and we put together a Style Guide to align with their specific tone, target audience and general intent.
The project is progressing well, with the successful completion of the first two deliveries. The client has responded with enthusiasm, expressing great appreciation for the quality and impact of our work.
We want to express our sincere gratitude to Spaulding for Children’s National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) for trusting us with such a significant project. Their respect and appreciation for our linguistic decisions, especially considering the sensitivity of the topic, motivate us to continue offering our best.
We are thrilled about the opportunity to keep collaborating with NTDC on future projects and look forward to building this partnership for many years to come.