Translation and Editing

In today’s global marketplace, doing business is no longer limited to a single country or language. One of the ways that companies can overcome these barriers is by having an international expansion strategy, and that starts with localizing your content.

Let’s explore three reasons why your business should translate its documents and the benefits that come with it:

1. Globalizing your business: By translating your documents, you can access new markets, connect with customers and partners around the world, and expand your reach like never before.
2. Breaking down language barriers: Translating your documents bridges the language gap and ensures that you can connect with stakeholders across borders. Break down language barriers and establish effective communication with a global network.
3. Staying ahead of the competition: By localizing your content, you can meet the specific needs and preferences of different markets, giving you a competitive advantage.

There are several translation providers out there, and choosing the best for your business can be overwhelming. We’ll highlight some essential features you should look for in order to select the best translation service for your company.

1. Language Expertise: When choosing a translation service, ensure they have experienced linguists in the target language you need. You should verify the quality of their translation by requesting a sample and checking their resume, certification or industry accreditations. Experience and expertise are a fair predictor of what they will provide in terms of accuracy and cultural relevance of the services offered.

2. Certifications: Language quality certifications are difficult to get and, although some companies strictly use them for marketing purposes. They show that there is a process in place to deliver a quality product that is not strictly a translation but a methodology geared to provide a high-quality product to the client. There are several certifications and you should decide which is the most appropriate for your industry and market to narrow down providers that have it or ask the potential vendors to explain their quality process in detail. The most popular certifications in the industry are ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 17100 for quality in translation services and ISO 27001 for content security, and ATA certification.

3. Technology: A technology savvy translation provider should use Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools to ensure consistency, high-productivity and cost savings. Also, they should not have the rights to the translation memory (TM) created for you. Make sure you are able to receive the TM when you ask for it, as it will contain all the work performed during your contract. Also, they should use some type of QA tool, such as XBench or Verifika, to improve the quality of the deliverables. Finally, AI and Machine Translation are tools that can provide a fast and less expensive output but generally of low quality. You should be wary of translation companies that include these processes without letting you know about it. Reputable translation companies offer solutions including AI and Machine Translation, but they let you know the benefits and risks involved in the use of these services.

4. Affordability and Quality: Pricing can be an important factor in choosing a translation service. However, quality should be the primary factor, as inaccurate or inappropriate translations can lead to miscommunication and ultimately, financial loss. Therefore, you should choose a service provider that balances competitive pricing and high-quality translations.

5. Scalability and Flexibility: Scalability should be a factor if your company generates a lot of content or expects to over time. You should choose a translation service provider that has the capacity to scale with your business to meet your translation needs. Additionally, they should be flexible with your project requirements, such as accommodating multiple file formats and customization.

Choosing the right translation provider is an important and essential step for any global business. With these criteria, you can select the most suitable provider for your company. Remember to verify their qualifications, language expertise, technology, certifications and scalability before selecting a translation service.

Our translation service includes the translation by a professional translator native on the target language with specific industry experience to make sure accurate terminology is used, and a thorough review by a second qualified reviewer native on the target language with specific industry experience/knowledge that includes bilingual comparison and terminology research when needed. Additionally, all of our translation services include the QA services.

Translation is a crucial component of all global business operations, providing access to a world of leads, partnerships, and opportunities. Don’t miss out on the global advantages that await you. Make translation an integral part of your business strategy and reap the rewards!

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