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AI-Assisted Translation: What the Future Holds for Linguists

AI-Assisted Translation: What the Future Holds for Linguists

Since the famous machine v. person dichotomy has been overcame, the close relationship between technology and translation industry is getting clearer over time: artificial intelligence is positioning itself as an undeniable ally of linguistics worldwide.

How does this relationship work and how will it change in the future?

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The 4 Trends That Will Shape the Translation Industry by 2023


With global interconnection on the rise and people demanding even more customized and relevant experiences, the translation industry is advancing by leaps and bounds. In fact, in the last ten years, the market has doubled and today it reaches almost 60 billion dollars.

Primarily in commercial sectors, globalization creates new ways to interact.  Therefore, the development of linguistic services is so fast that it proves challenging to keep up sometimes. What are the main trends for 2023?

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