In today’s globalized world, visual content design transcends borders. Whether it’s a marketing campaign, a website, a product interface, or any other creative project, your design ideas must communicate effectively across languages and cultures.
In the world of language translation, Desktop Publishing (DTP) is crucial for making sure translated documents look as good as the original ones. This means adjusting the layout, changing fonts, retouching images, and sometimes adding extra pages to fit the new text properly.
We are Magalí López (Finance Leader), and Verónica Bianchi (Human Resources Leader), and we want to share the amazing experience we had last month at the second annual edition of “Vamos Juntos”. This event took place in Lima, Perú, and featured two intense days filled with learning, industry-recognized speakers, presentations, debates, and lively interactions across […]
The world faced a massive change in 2020, which resulted in businesses shifting their operations to the virtual world. Brands had to come up with creative ways to stay connected with their customers and expand their reach. This is where Virtual Events came in, and they have transformed the industry altogether. In this article, we’ll […]