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How to Approach Idioms and Expressions: Alternatives to Literal Translation

Are you familiar with figurative expressions in other languages?

Idioms, metaphors, hyperboles, jargon and idiomatic expressions: all the languages in the world have a vast number of these, which are closely related to their own worldview and arise from very particular cultural contexts.

Such phrases and structures pose a real challenge for translation. What are the best strategies for approaching figurative language?

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ChatGPT and Human Translators: Competition or Collaboration?

Have you heard that ChatGPT could replace the role of the translator?

The Generative Pre-training Transformer Chat, better known as ChatGPT, is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by the company OpenAI, which allows users to ask it questions using conversational or natural language. It was released in November 2022 with the goal of generating text in a similar way to humans, which can be used for a variety of applications, such as chatbots, automatic content generation, and language translation.

In the face of such advances in artificial intelligence, many professionals and organizations wonder: is this really a tool that has arrived to replace human translators?

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The Vital Importance of Translators in the Face of a Growing Demand for Dubbing


Dubbing, defined as a type of translation characterized by transferring audiovisual texts interlinguistically or intralinguistically, presents various challenges for translators. Dubbing is also a vital process for human development and cultural expansion.

So, what is the role of professionals when facing such a job?

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Can the quality and accuracy of medical translations save lives?

Can translation save lives?

Besides being a powerful tool in helping multiple cultures communicate and breaking down geographic boundaries, translations play a key role in areas that have a major social impact, as is medicine.

Poorly translated clinical content can lead to death. No exaggeration intended. So, what’s the importance of professional language services in the medical field?

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