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Technical and Scientific Translations Are Not the Same, and Here Is Why

Technical Translation vs. Scientific Translation

In the world of translation, accuracy and expertise are key, especially when it comes to specialized translations, such as those related to the technical and scientific fields!

While both require a high degree of professionalism on the translator’s end, there are key differences between the two that should be taken into consideration when choosing a specialized translation service.

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The main challenges of translating scientific materials

What are the main challenges of translating scientific material?

Since the beginning, scientific information has been closely related to translation. Sharing, making something available to the public, is a fundamental goal shared by both science and translation. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “popularize” means “to cause to be liked or esteemed“, as well as “to present in generally understandable or interesting form“.

Ethics and responsibility are key also in translation and in science. What are the challenges of translating scientific materials and how does a good translation impact society and science professionals?

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