
Translation Proxy for Dynamic Websites

Idea TranslationsTranslationsTranslation Proxy for Dynamic Websites

When we browse the Internet, a complex system works to make our experience as smooth as possible. Behind this seamless browsing experience, there is a complex technology that adapts in real-time.

Likewise, when translating a website, a huge number of tools enter into play for companies to expand their business reaching potential clients. One of the most innovative technologies is called translation proxy. This technology supports instant localization of web pages and can integrate the workflow with professional translators.

How can we leverage this tool in our website? Is this tool even the best option for my international web presence?

What is a proxy and how best to use it?

Every time a user enters your website, the Domain Name System (DNS), which organizes the names of domains and makes them accessible, tells the server which IP address is associated to the browser of that particular user.

Using that information, the translation proxy instantly changes the content to the language of the user. If the company has a dynamic website in which content is added or changed regularly, this technology adds value because it gives users more compelling and relevant experiences.

A 0.1 second improvement in the loading time of a website can make users spend 10% more money in it.
Source: Google and Deloitte

When we choose holistic services (languageNg experts, graphic designers, localization engineers, coders, and others) for this task, machine translation solutions take a back seat in favor of professional translations, since compelling content that requires careful review, cultural appropriateness and enticing messages cannot be created by AI powered translations as they lack the creative and country or language specific knowledge to deliver powerful actionable messages.

In this sense, translation proxy technology can be linked seamlessly to customized linguistic workflows that adapt to the context of each potential client.

The Main Advantages of a Translation Proxy

Companies seeking to expand and conquer new markets are faced with the challenge of localization: the process of adapting products and services to other markets, together with their content. There are many ways of localizing a website, but the most efficient, especially for dynamic websites, is translation proxy.

What are the advantages of a translation proxy for a company?

Speed and Agility: A simple way of being multilingual for companies thinking in localization and global expansion. A translation proxy dynamically replaces the source language content with the target language content when a user enters a website and selects their language. This technology also monitors the source site to detect changes in content and pushes the translation request to an automated workflow for performance close to real time.

Quality: Although the database the proxy accesses may be a mix of human generated and machine translation content, choosing a translation proxy partner with workflow knowledge can help you chose the best set-up for your translation needs and create high quality translations regardless if your process includes only human generated content or a hybrid (machine-human) approach.

Agility: Without a translation proxy, the work would include two layers: the text end-users see and templates; that is, the code developers use. In addition to avoiding complex import and export processes, this tool supports fast translation, which simplifies updates management.

Data Protection: When storing translations in the cloud, the proxy has no access to the confidential information users enter into the website.

1 in 4 users leave the website if the loading time is longer than 4 seconds.
Source: HubSpot

A translation proxy is a great ally for companies seeking international expansion, because it does not require significant infrastructure changes in their existing websites.

Acting as a link between the source content and the destination of a request, this tool allows websites to support localization, particularly for companies whose main goal is to enter a hyper-connected and ever-changing world.

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