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How to Approach Idioms and Expressions: Alternatives to Literal Translation

Are you familiar with figurative expressions in other languages?

Idioms, metaphors, hyperboles, jargon and idiomatic expressions: all the languages in the world have a vast number of these, which are closely related to their own worldview and arise from very particular cultural contexts.

Such phrases and structures pose a real challenge for translation. What are the best strategies for approaching figurative language?

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How to Increase the Reach of Your Business with Simultaneous Interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation as a means to expand your business.

As the ways in which we communicate, study and work are altered by the new global scenario, the demand for language services in general and simultaneous interpretation, in particular, has grown.

What are the reasons why simultaneous interpretation is key when it comes to breaking down language barriers?

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Artificial Intelligence: How to Build Context and Get Quality Translations

How can we optimize AI translation for better results?

As the processing power of computers has advanced, so has the development of artificial intelligence (AI). AI refers to machines’ ability to perform tasks previously thought to require human intelligence. Various industries, including video games, language translation, and robotics, have already embraced AI. Moreover, with ongoing advancements like ChatGPT and new AI capabilities emerging daily, almost every industry stands to benefit.

The recent advancements in AI technology have sparked significant interest in adopting machine translation, prompting linguistic professionals to increasingly rely on AI for enhanced productivity. How does this dynamic relationship work, and what strategies can professionals employ to get successful outcomes out of AI translation?

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The Vital Importance of Translators in the Face of a Growing Demand for Dubbing


Dubbing, defined as a type of translation characterized by transferring audiovisual texts interlinguistically or intralinguistically, presents various challenges for translators. Dubbing is also a vital process for human development and cultural expansion.

So, what is the role of professionals when facing such a job?

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