What does it mean to be a language services GSA contract holder?
Being awarded a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract is hard work. Organizations interested in being part of this process are required to provide extensive experience evidence as well as client references and information about all of their production processes and quality assurance processes that qualified them as a reputable language services vendor.
For federal, state and local agencies, choosing a GSA contract holder saves time and money. They know the language services vendor that holds the GSA contract had to go through a very thorough process to get it, including a review of quality processes and very transparent pricing.
The GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract facilitates the U.S. federal government a list of qualified companies with the necessary standards to carry out the task that they need. So, GSA Schedule Contracts streamline the government sales process because they have pre-established pricing, terms, and conditions that government buyers can use.

This contract is broken down into 12 Large Categories that are organized by industry and are broken down into several subcategories.
One of these Categories is “Translation and Interpretation Services”. This Category includes the translation of written material, oral interpretation services from one language to another, and serves to facilitate communication with and by visually or hearing-impaired people.
Using this contract channel, we can provide government customers different language services to help limited English proficient communities with:
- Oral communication interpretation to and from English.
- Collecting, translating / interpreting and delivering mission related data.
- Performing data analysis of translated materials.
- Monitoring, transcriptions and intercepts.
- Preparing related reports and assessments.
- Program management and control for linguist screening and recruitment.
- Supervision and quality control of all related services.
- Closed captioning, voice-overs, textbook or audio script translation.
- Website (HTML) and online document translation with typesetting services.
- Deaf interpreting, tactile, transcription of braille documents and captioning services.
We are proud to serve more federal, state and local governments through this 20-year contract. This contract provides government organizations with guarantees about our quality, capacity and transparency in the work we carry on every day.
If you are a government customer looking for high quality translation services, contact us. We have a customer support team exclusively focused in supporting our government clients interested in learning more about our GSA Schedule Contract.