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November, 2022

Have you ever wondered which songs throughout history have been translated into the most languages?

Have you ever wondered which songs throughout history have been translated into the most languages?

Has it ever occurred to you that songs that you have been listening to all of your life thinking they were originally written in Spanish, turned out to be in English, French or some other language?

Many songs became part of our popular culture without us realizing it, thanks to artistic professional translations that made it possible for these melodies to reach us.

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Learning music stimulates our language skills

Learning music stimulates our language skills

Studies show that children who learn music from an early age find it easier to learn languages even in adulthood. In fact, just one hour a week is enough for the brain to benefit, not only through a general boost in language skills, but also in a significant increase in IQ.

Among its many benefits, how does music help us learn a new language?

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When and how are words born?

When and how are words born?

Etymology – the linguistic specialty that studies the origin of words, the process of incorporation into a language, etc. – allows us to get a close look to a fascinating world. When and how are words “born”? What are the origins of the terms we use every day?

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What does it mean to be a language services GSA contract holder?

GSA Schedule Contract

Being awarded a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract is hard work. Organizations interested in being part of this process are required to provide extensive experience evidence as well as client references and information about all of their production processes and quality assurance processes that qualified them as a reputable language services vendor.

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